Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
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By now you have begun to notice
some changes in your own body and in
your friends' bodies. You may be spend-
ing a lot of time thinking and talking
about these changes. Sometimes you
might feel strange or embarrassed as
new things happen; other times you may
wish new things would happen sooner.
All of these feelings are normal. Re-
member that your body knows what is
best for you, and you will eventually
get used to all these new things. You
will like your grown-up body, as it is
just right for you.
Maybe you or some of your friends
have already started having menstrual
periods. 1Remember that the menstrual
flow is the lining of the uterus
(called the placenta) which would have
helped nourish a baby. But since no
baby got started, the lining is
cleaned out and the body starts a new
monthly cycle.] 2At first, your periods
will be irregular.] This is natural. It
is important to remember to be prepared
with a pad or tampon any time you are
away from home overnight. This way you
won't be surprised with a period you
weren't expecting.
3Sometimes periods stop for no ap-
parent reason at all. This can happen
when a girl is involved in a lot of
strenuous exercise, or when she has
lost a lot of weight. It could also
mean that she is pregnant.] As soon as
a baby is started, the uterus keeps the
soft lining to help grow the baby, and
menstruation does not occur. 4If you
have been having periods and they sud-
denly stop coming, you should see your
doctor right away to find out why this
2Having a period serves no purpose; it
is just a punishment for women.
2Women get their periods on exactly the
same day each month.
2If I miss a period I must be pregnant.
2Missing a period is not a serious
You have already learned a lot
about puberty and how boys and girls
start to mature. You may have even
wished to start maturing yourself, but
when changes started to happen you
might have wished they would go away!
This is perfectly normal. Just as your
body is getting used to growing up, you
are getting used to changes in the way
you feel. 1It is OK to talk with your
parents or older sisters and brothers
about these changes], as they have all
felt the same way you do. Your friends
are probably feeling the same way, too.
You and your friends may be waiting
for your first period. It is not pos-
sible to tell exactly when this will
happen. However, your hormones are
probably starting to change; you may
become moody, or cry easily. 2You may
also notice a white fluid (discharge)
coming from your vagina. This does not
necessarily mean you will be getting
your period right away, though it does
mean your body is getting ready.]
Your first period may be so light
you may not know you are having it. You
may notice a brownish-red stain on your
panties or toilet paper. The menstrual
flow will be very light and slow at
first. Some girls have cramps on the
first day or two of their periods, and
the cramps may vary from month to
month. Sometimes a hot shower or bath
Most girls do not have to limit
their activities when they have peri-
ods. 3You can probably do all the
things you are used to doing while you
have your period]: go to school; play
sports; dance; or do gymnastics. If you
wear a tampon, you can even go swim-
In the first years of menstruation,
the cycles can be irregular and unpre-
dictable. For this reason, it is impor-
tant to remember to take a few pads
with you when you are going to be away
from home overnight. This way you won't
be caught unprepared.
2The changes you are undergoing are
very private; you should not talk to
anyone about them.
2If I have a white fluid (not urine and
not my period) coming from my vagina, I
should see a nurse or doctor
2When having my period, I should take
it easy and not get too much exercise.
1Boys too are seeing and feeling
changes as they go through puberty. The
penis and testes grow, and the pubic
hair gets thick and curly. Boys will
also start to ejaculate. As all this
happens, their voices are steadily
getting deeper, their shoulders broad-
en, and they start to get chest and
facial hair.]
This is can be a mixed-up time for
boys. Their voices change at embarras-
sing times. They may compare penis size
with their friends or fathers. This can
cause many of them to become self-
conscious (ashamed) about the size of
their penis.
2Boys will get erections for no
apparent reason.] Their bodies are
"practicing" for adulthood. They may
ejaculate in their sleep. This is
called a nocturnal emission (wet dream)
and may cause them to feel embarrassed
because of the sticky spots on the
bed sheets.
It is OK for them to feel awkward
and strange about all this. As the body
adjusts to its grown-up hormones and
grown-up shape, it will act normal
3Something else that is hard for
boys at this time is that you and your
friends have probably grown and matured
faster than they have.] Many of the
girls in their classes may be taller
and stronger, and may have already
started to adjust to their changes.
Sometimes boys feel left behind, and
don't want to have much to do with the
girls. This is OK. They will feel dif-
ferently when their bodies catch up
with the girls'.
1All of the following may happen to
boys during puberty: change in voice;
wet dreams; more hair on their bodies
and pubic area.
2If a boy has an erection, it means he
is sexually excited.
1It is normal for girls to develop
faster than boys.
This lesson will talk some more
about the way you feel and the things
you do during puberty. It can be a
confusing time, with lots of mixed
feelings. But it can also be a wonder-
ful time as you see yourself growing
Getting used to the changes in your
body may take some time and patience.
3You may want to explore these changes
by looking at yourself in the mirror or
by masturbating. This is perfectly OK].
As you learned before, your geni-
tals are your own private parts, and
there is no reason why you should not
get to know where they are, how they
look, and how they feel.
4Sometimes you may masturbate to
the point of orgasm.] An orgasm (or
climax) is an intense feeling (usually
pleasurable) that results from the
sudden release of tension.
After you have been menstruating
for a while, you may find tampons to be
more convenient than pads. Or, you may
find them to be uncomfortable. 1It is
important to remember to use tampons
which are just right for your flow],
and to change them as frequently as you
would a pad.
2Using super absorbent tampons when
you have light flow, or leaving a tam-
pon in for more than eight hours can be
dangerous.] It can make you susceptible
to toxic shock syndrome, or TSS. TSS is
a very serious infection, and causes
vomiting, a sunburn-like rash, a sudden
high fever, and diarrhea. If you ever
have these symptoms while you are wear-
ing a tampon, you should take out the
tampon right away and go to the school
nurse or a doctor immediately.
1It is important to use the proper
1It is best to carry more than one of
the less absorbent tampons.
2Masturbation is a sick thing to do.
2Masturbation always results in orgasm.